Production of yogurt

Written by Gelato Products

Yogurt is made using fermented milk created by the lactic acid bacteria, which often is lactobacillus bulgarius and Streptococcus thermophilus.

To make sure that yogurt is safe to eat, the milk is heat treated, homogenized and then cooled. As the milk cools, a bacteria or starter culture is added. If the right temperature and moisture are provided, the fermented milk produces lactic acid. After which the milk ferments and sets to form yogurt. As the milk ferments, it forms a colorless liquid, called acetaldehyde, which gives yogurt its distinctive taste.

To form yogurt, manufacturers use different types of milk from skimmed, semi-skimmed, whole, evaporated or powdered forms.

Apart from these varieties, yogurt now comes in a variety of textures from smooth to set and luxury to fat-free. Manufacturers have also added flavors like natural, fruit, cereal and created frozen yogurt cups, which compete with ice cream on the supermarket shelves.

There are also other fermenting yogurts with different microorganisms, that provide good bacteria for your gut. These include live yogurts, which have live harmless bacteria and probiotic yogurts, which contain live probiotic microorganisms.

Scientists now say that yogurt is a great way to include calcium and maintain a healthy weight. In addition, yogurt’s bacteria can help to ease stomach indigestion and to promote a healthy digestive tract. Therefore, pick up a white paper cup of this healthy, tasty, super food and make it part of your daily meal plan.


Gelato Products has everything you need for your ice cream parlor, including frozen yogurt cups and other ice cream shop supplies.